My Profile

Use this page to change your username, password or email in the helpdesk system.

You can also set the optional info, like your phone, location, full name or the avatar-picture (the helpdesk app uses Gravatar service for avatars, unless you're using the AD-integrated on-premises version of helpdesk that picks the images from the Active Directory).

For helpdesk agents there's also special fields to edit "signature" and "greeting", these are added to all your helpdesk messages. You can insert "#FirstName#" and "#LastName#" tags in your greeting, like - "Dear #FirstName#, thanks for contacting us".


You can upload your own avatar image, if avatars are enabled in your Helpdesk by your administartors. The avatar image should be in a form of square - 100x100 pixels and 50Kb max. If you don't upload your own image, Helpdesk will try to obtain the image from using your email address.

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